The Apostolic Church
Sunday Morning 2020-11-15
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, streamed live on Nov 15, 2020 Pastor Rich Cline presents part 5 of the The Apostolic Church series. The apostolic church is first and foremost “Christ-Centered”. Enjoy! CCLI# 614945 An edited version of the service is embedded to view here, or the whole service including worship can be viewed at this…
Sunday Morning 2020-11-1
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, streamed live on Oct 25, 2020. Pastor Rich Cline presents part 4 of The Apostolic Church series. CCLI# 614945
Sunday Morning 2020-10-25
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, recorded live at the church, Oct. 25, 2020. Pastor Rich Cline presents part 3 of The Apostolic Church series. The apostolic church is first and foremost “Christ-Centered”. Enjoy! CCLI# 614945
Sunday Morning 2020-10-18
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, recorded live at the church, Oct. 18, 2020. Pastor Rich Cline presents part 2 of The Apostolic Church series. The apostolic church is first and foremost “Christ-Centered”. Enjoy! CCLI# 614945
Sunday Morning 2020-10-11
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, recorded live at the church, Oct. 11, 2020 (edited). Pastor Rich Cline shares part 1 of 4 in a series called “The Apostolic Church”. Topics include returning to apostolic principles of the Christian lifestyle as recorded in the book of Acts. CCLI# 614945. Below is the message only, and here is a link to both…