Messages from November 2022

Messages from November 2022

Sunday Morning 2022-11-27

Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, livestreamed from Wormleysburg, PA.  Today we welcome Eric Saunders as he presents from 1Timoty 6:17.  Eric is serving as the Executive Director of New Hope Ministries, and has served as Adjunct Instructor of Social Work at Messiah College, Grantham.  In addition, Eric is the Director of New Horizons Academy.  He also serves…

Sunday Morning 2022-11-20

Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, livestreamed from Wormleysburg, PA.   Returning and beloved guest speaker, Bishop Reuben, presents from Judges 6:11-16.  He is the founding pastor of Disciples Temple Church Eastleigh Nairobi, Kenya.  Disciples Temple Church under his direction has established over 300 other Churches throughout Africa.  In addition, Bishop…