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Sunday Morning 2020-11-8
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, streamed live on Nov 08, 2020. Pastor Rich Cline presents “My Peace”, John 14:27. Enjoy! CCLI# 614945 An edited version of the service is embedded to view here , or the whole service including worship can be viewed at this link:
Pray America 2020-11-4
Wednesday Evening Pray America Service Streamed live on Nov 4, 2020. Cornerstone Fellowship Wormleysburg, PA. An edited version of the service is embedded to view here, or the whole service including worship can be viewed at this link:
Sunday Morning 2020-11-1
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, streamed live on Oct 25, 2020. Pastor Rich Cline presents part 4 of The Apostolic Church series. CCLI# 614945
Sunday Morning 2020-10-25
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, recorded live at the church, Oct. 25, 2020. Pastor Rich Cline presents part 3 of The Apostolic Church series. The apostolic church is first and foremost “Christ-Centered”. Enjoy! CCLI# 614945
Sunday Morning 2020-10-18
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, recorded live at the church, Oct. 18, 2020. Pastor Rich Cline presents part 2 of The Apostolic Church series. The apostolic church is first and foremost “Christ-Centered”. Enjoy! CCLI# 614945
Pray America 2020-10-14
Wednesday Evening Pray America Service – In this service, we prayed for healthcare workers and vulnerable patients. Peter and Lindsey Harrower lead us in prayer.
Sunday Morning 2020-10-11
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, recorded live at the church, Oct. 11, 2020 (edited). Pastor Rich Cline shares part 1 of 4 in a series called “The Apostolic Church”. Topics include returning to apostolic principles of the Christian lifestyle as recorded in the book of Acts. CCLI# 614945. Below is the message only, and here is a link to both…
Pray America 2020-10-07
Wednesday Evening Pray America Service – Linda Arvey leading prayer. Very special appeal to the “broken hearted” person by Pastor Rich Cline.
Sunday Morning 2020-10-04
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, recorded live at the church, Oct. 4, 2020. Special guest David Rudy brings a refreshing word to the body of Christ. CCLI# 614945
Sunday Morning 2020-09-27
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, recorded live at the church, Sept. 27, 2020. Pastor Rich Cline presents message number 4 in the series, “People that Heal”. The series presents the 4 disciplines of the newly born Church in Acts 2. Scriptures reveal that the believers “continually devoted” themselves to the Apostles teachings,…