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Sunday Morning 2023-08-20
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, livestreamed from Wormleysburg, PA. Ryan Waldroop presents “Converted”. Acts 9: 1-31.
Sunday Morning 2023-08-13
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, livestreamed from Wormleysburg, PA. Rich Cline presents “Persecuted”. Acts 7 and 8.
Sunday Morning 2023-08-06
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, livestreamed from Wormleysburg, PA. John Cornacchio presents “Accused”. Acts 6: 8-15.
Sunday Morning 2023-08-06 Communion Portion
Sunday Morning 2023-07-30
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, livestreamed from Wormleysburg, PA. Rich Cline presents “The Word Spreads”. Acts 6.
Sunday Morning 2023-07-23
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, livestreamed from Wormleysburg, PA. John Cornacchio presents “Imprisoned!”. Acts 5.
Sunday Morning 2023-07-16
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, livestreamed from Wormleysburg, PA. Rich Cline presents “A Powerful Presence”. Acts 5.
Sunday Morning Worship (music portion)
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, livestreamed from Wormleysburg, PA. This is the worship music portion at the beginning of the service. See the other post for this date for the message. Prepare the Way – Copyright Charlie Hall, What a Beautiful Name – Copyright Hillsong, Your Presence is Heaven to Me – Copyright Israel Houghton. CCLI#…
Sunday Morning 2023-07-09
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, livestreamed from Wormleysburg, PA. Ryan Waldroop presents “The Second Prayer Meeting”. Acts 4:23-31.
Sunday Morning 2023-07-02
Cornerstone Fellowship Sunday morning service, livestreamed from Wormleysburg, PA. Rich Cline presents “Persecuted”. Acts 4.